Wazzup, mis amigos?!
I finlly got a Nintendo Wii. However, it did come with some badness. Whenever I get a Nintendo console, I always get some misfortune. Usually, I get the system when it goes out of style.
But in this case where the Wii is still in style, the power for my upstairs lights and half the outlets in my room stop working. And it sux because acording to my Dad, our electrical wiring is crappy and always was crappy, so he'd have to tear some wall away to fix it.
For now, I'm in my sisters room playing my Wii. The minute or two after the outlets stopped feeding power to my room, I blamed Nintendo.
I found these three videos on YouTube. One's a clip and the other two are fan-made. Remember, they are not mine.
Robot Chicken- Darth Vader Calls
Naruto wants his money!!(part 2)
My ProBoards...uh, boards. Here are the links for them--
Titans 10 - Jump Galaxy Teen Titans/Ben 10 ProBoard
Yumemi An RP ProBoard
Level 16-- 8%
Answer to last riddle: The man stood on a block of ice until it melted to hang himself.
A man is lying dead with a backpack on, face down in the desert. What happened?