Wazzup, mis amigos?!
Joined fanfiction.net to make fanfictions. Problem is, there's a 3-day prevention for new people. So I can't post anything there until Jan 10 or 11.
In other news, got a Star Wars icon from FilmSpot. I can't believethey're making a Ghost Rider movie and a TMNT movie.
My ProBoards...uh, boards. Here are the links for them--
Titans 10 - Jump Galaxy Teen Titans/Ben 10 ProBoard
Yumemi An RP ProBoard
Level 16-- 8%
Answer to last riddle: I'll keep it up.
Two police officers were investigating a mysterious death.
When they arrived at the scene of the crime they found a room with no windows and the dead man who seemed to have hung himself by a rope from the ceiling. There was no chairor table that the man may have jumped off.
The only clue was a puddle of water on the floor.
How did the man manage to hang himself?