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I'm back!! Woohoo! Yay! Razzle-frazzle! (Sorry for the last serious, and somewhat creepy, blog. I didn't feel like making it funny) Yeah, at least for today and Sunday and maybe Monday I'm back. I was grounded for my report card.

Ok my year grades:

Symphonic Band- B+

Computer Graphic 1- A

Health- C

Blobal History/Geo 2H- B

English 10R- B

P.E. Block 2- C+

Earth ScienceH- C+

Math A Sem 3 H- B

Math B Sem 1 H- B

LOTE Spanish 2- B+ 

I didn't do my QAs for Health and English, so I got Fs for those classes for the 4th Quarter.

Anyway, I'm back for the next few days. Woohoo! Yay! Razzle-frazzle! What's been going on while I was away?