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MGS4 vs Halo3 reviews by

First lets start with Halo3





And now MGS4

Story=8.7...WTF?! Game know for its story gets only 8.7?!But Halo3 lame a$$ alien take over the world story gets 9.5!!

Design=9.0...Again WTF?!?! I chosse MGS4 next gen graphics over Halo 1 graphics used in Halo3 anyday.

Gameplay=8.9...Are GT high?!?! MGS4 has one of the best controls ever!!!!!!

Presentation=9.8...Ooooo, WTF GT?!?! Where is 8.5????

Ok, you do the math.

The question is, Can we trust GT now??

Anyway, there are pics of GT reviews in my images, look and say what you think.