Wow. Great to see some ppl haven’t moved it to a dust collector! I went away from gaming for a few years ? but i recently gotten back to my love for it. There is so much experiences I’ve missed on the PS3 that i couldn’t jump straight into a PS4 (even that is about 5 years old now). I have a huge backlog i have committed to finishing in 2018.
My ID is Konspiracy187.
I guess I’ll also be one of the Last Mohicans!
I got Borderlands collection, all of AC up until Black Flag/Freedom Cry, Ni Nu Kuni, Mass effect 2-3, Killzone 2, Batman AC and AO, FFXIII-3, Enslaved, Binary Domain, RE Revelations 1/2, Last of Us, Tomb Raider, Kingdom of Alamaur, Far Cry series, prototype series, Castlevania LoS series, WatchDogs, Metal Gear V, Vanquish, & Skyrim.
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