Today my parents came home at around 3:00AM and during that time I woke up due to the fact the mosquito bites being really itchy. I must admit, I was shocked to see them coming home so early in the morning but nothing could prepare me for what I was going to hear from my parents. And that's my grandmother died. At first, I didn't believe my father but when I saw (or rather heard) my mother cried when she said it to me as well, I know it's true. They said she died at around 11:30PM.
To be honest, I'm still finding hard to believe that my grandmother is already....gone. It feels rather unbelievable but I know that it's true. She's gone, she's no longer here and she's, err, "kembali ke Rahmatullah" as they say. I've gotta be honest, seeing her face for the last honestly made me feel so sad that I cried. I don't know why but I just can't help it. A few good things did came out of it. One, it reminded me that everyone will die one day although when, where and how only Allah himself knows. It reminded me that life is precious and we must not waste any of the precious time that we have left because we never know when we'll die. It might be tomorrow, it might be today, it might even be before you finish reading this blog.
Anyway, now I'm at Jerantut and my grandmother is already buried. I'd say more but unfortunately I just don't feel like it. One thing's for sure, I'm going to miss her a lot but I guess it won't be long before I got used to her not being around. May Allah put her amongst those who believe in Him.