@DrSHREEVEERA: I haven't played Dark Souls II yet, but I wanna get it after I beat Bloodborne. I've heard people say that Bloodborne combat is a lot faster paced and more fluid, and DSII is slower and more methodical. I guess it doesn't matter too much? But maybe you should go with DSII first, then Bloodborne.
Koopa_Kinte's forum posts
I have both, and Bloodborne alone is worth having a PS4. I plan on getting Dark Souls II for it after I beat Bloodborne, even though it's also for Xbox, because I feel like it would feel wrong to have two Souls type games on different consoles lol. But yeah, I think for the exclusives (now & upcoming) it might be worth having both.
I never understood how people could be so careless as to throw their controllers and break them. If it breaks, that's like $60 down the toilet. I've never been that angry.
@thereal25: From what you're saying it sounds like you're a PC gamer? Sorry, I mainly stick to my X1, so I'm not sure what games are also on PC :X And you're welcome! Just caught the news that they've worked on a Fallout 4 trailer. Super excited about that now.
If I run into you again on here, lemme know how you like Wolfenstein/MKX!
Forgive my ignorance... Does that mean you'd have to just listen for the enemies to kill them? Damn I could never do that lol. Is not saving once a trophy too, or?
Gotta say all the games you've mentioned I've enjoyed at some level. Loved Tomb Raider, and Skyrim was a good game but I did take a very long hiatus before finishing it though... dunno why. But it's hard for me to jump back in for another playthrough. The quests aren't as fleshed out as I'd like.
I'm also on Borderlands 2 right now, and it's super fun but I can see someone getting a little stir crazy if they're playing it nonstop. Lots of backtracking. Max Payne 3 I didn't care for.
If you're into fighting games, you might enjoy Mortal Kombat X. It's really fun, the story mode is good, and online isn't so bad either... just quit if someone uses the same move over and over.
I just picked up Wolfenstein and omg this game is awesome. I got it for about $20 or so at GameStop and it's worth every penny so far. And I also love the Doom franchise, I played the hell out of 3 on the original Xbox and I'm eagerly anticipating the next one. But all in all... I'd recommend you check out Wolfenstein, MKX, I think Mafia 2 is still free on 360 Games for Gold (good story), and if you're into the looting and questing that Borderlands has, you might like Diablo 3 (especially if you've ever played a game like Gauntlet Legends, pretty fun).
Have you played Mass Effect? If not, I'd recommend that if you're into a space and alien theme.
@thereal25: Well, I think the fact that you're on here indicates that you're still interested in gaming. I've been burnt out many a times. I've actually had that fear before that I was losing interest in gaming altogether and it kinda bummed me out, but I realized it wasn't that, and I was just getting burnt out. What kind of games do you have in your library? What kind of games are you interested in?
And yeah I bet sleep has a lot to do with it and your energy level haha.
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