I had to get sick now. :x I get a cold at least once a month during the spring, but why now!? I would normally just skip school with a cold this bad, but I have my final exam for Precalculus tomorrow, which I'm not gonna miss. I have to take it early since it's a senior class and all the seniors graduate this week, so the rest of us sophomores and juniors in the class have to take it earlier than our other exams. It's also the class that I have the lowest grade in: a B- . :cry: :P
I just hope my cold doesn't affect my performance on the test. I'm nervous enough as it is. I know most of the material really well, but I'm afraid that I'll do poorly for some reason like a good number of my other tests in the class. Plus I'mm still really shaky on trigonometric identities, and angular speedwhich I fear might be a good portion of the test. I hope not. :|
Hopefully during lunch, after my test, I can convince the nurse to let me go home if I'm still feeling bad. :P
I'll get to miss the stupid-as-hell music test if I do. :D
Well, I'm going to be getting 5 hours of sleep for tomorrow. 8) G'night!!