Having just played through Spirit Tracks, I've been itching to play a console based Zelda game again and have set my sights on Twilight Princess since we will not be seeing the next installment for almost a year. I don't know how I should play it though... Back when the game was released the Wii was hard to come by, so I have the Gamecube version. Now that I want to go back and play it (for only the second time... I know) I'm not sure if I should pick up the Wii version.
I've been hunting around the internet and reading comparison reviews and most say pretty much the same thing: "If you have the Wii get it there." However 3 years later how does this hold up? Is it worth the money (poor college student) to buy the Wii version when I when I have a perfectly good GC copy at home? Has anybody played both? If so did you have any issues with the switch? Should I be content with the GC version for now and experience Zelda on the Wii when the next one comes out.
kornel331 Blog
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