I hope so too mate. I only played Dead Souls for about 1/2 an hour though because I thought it was rubbish. I've played Yakuza 1,2, 3 and 4 though. What's your favourite Yakuza game?
kreative666's forum posts
I heard those rumours too but that was back in February. Ironically for Yakzua 5, it seems like the same story as for Shenmue III....
@Gamertag-TFTW: @mwright469:
Lol Headhunter huh? Wow. I'm impressed. I thought I was the only person who even knew about that game...
Cheers mate :) Yeah, not many people have heard of it, a cult classic. Yep, I loved it. Great puzzles that weren't too obscure but made you think, solid controls, a good story line and a really good atmosphere.
1. Metal Gear Solid
2. Heavy Rain
3. Resident Evil 2
4. Mean Streets (Tex Murphy)
5. Final Fantasy VII
6. Headhunter
7. NBA 2k
8. LA Noire
9. Skitchin'
10. NBA Live 95
Where do I put the html code of my PSN portable ID to display as my signature? I have tried under signature text and signature image and also description but neither work.
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