God of war 3 ending dissapointment. SPOLIER.
by kreativekylexxx on Comments
Ending, finding hope in Pandora's box? WTF? Highly disappointing. Running threw the dark with Pandora saying "This way!" and "I can show you the way" one hundred times is as annoying as taking care of Ashly in RE4. But back to the main disappointment. you kill all the gods, and for the last one.. you need "hope" to kill him.. umm ok? seems like it was added in last minute, like they did the whole game and then at the end said... well... the power to kill a god is.. uhh.. HOPE! perfect. I know that something needed to be in the box or whatever, but there could be something other then hope! and what does Kratos do when he gets this all powerful hope? He punches Zeus in the face infinite amount of times. Oh and don't forget he stabs himself....yeah... Amazing game, until the end. Tell me what you think should be in the box, and if you feel the same!??
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