Have you recognized familiar real-world animals in video games?
Let me explain, all sounds you hear from enemies or generally big things, are compositions from many natural sounds from natural animals. If you watch alots of movies you'll recognize that big animal things are a bit similar too other animal things in their movies.
Most of the common animals from compositions are-
These animal sound bites are distorted, changed, reversed, mixed, blended and so on and so forth, but they are so oft used that now they are too recognizeable to be taken as a *unique creature* if they sound so similar to one another.
For example:
[spoiler] Recall fighting in Twilight Princess the fyrus guy? Thats all bear sound bites for the most part, especially the part right after you kill give him the finishing blow and he first grabs his head. [/spoiler]
And thats not just them either.
[spoiler] Remember in Gears of War fighting the Corpser? Its Intro? Wilderbeast or Elephant. I can't place the screeches, but Widlerbeast or Elephant ( not sure at the moment) is that noise you hear when its up top. [/spoiler]
You're probably wondering how on Earth I know these things as well. Simply, watch an animal planet documentary once in a while, you'll notice.
Anyway, what do you think...Not exactly the most debating topic, but I am kind of annoyed hearing the same things over and over again in video games bosses lately. I just wish it weren't so obvious sometimes, placing something 20ft+ taller than you as an enemy in a game to have it sound like something that occasionally walks around your backyard is distracting. For the record, I couldn't place the dinosaur sounds in Jurassic Park, or the Balrog or Mountain Trolls in the Lord of the Rings, until I heard what they did for them in the commentary.
What are your thoughts? Have you recognized video game enemies and/or creatures closely to real-world animals.
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