Stinky as a kitten
Well this past week has been a dozie for me. I was in the ER due to my illness on Thursday, and got my government forms back on Saturday. I am now a legitimate business owner/partner.
This week I go back to the doctor's and see what he says about the results of my blood work and cat scan. This ought to be interesting. He'd better tell me something I don't want to hear " I am not sure what's wrong with you'. After 4-5 months after my gallbladder is out I need answers not more questions.
I am still playing LOZ,FFXII, and Rogue Galaxy. Hmmm, maybe that is why I have only been getting 2-3 hours of sleep a night. ( I am kidding ) I usually don't sleep alot anyway. Although my one business has possibly picked up due to my lack of sleep which is a good thing.
Andy-to make friends with Stinky 2 words come to mind JUMBO SHRIMP (cooked and cleaned):D. Well if these 2 businesses take off I will be getting a few more games and gaming systems in the upcoming months. Ron this means I will crack and get the 360 and be on line although not to sure which games I can play on line there.
Be well all and Happy Gaming !!!!!!
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