This week is half over
by krisciel on Comments
God, today is only Tuesday it sure felt like a Wenesday to me. I got the new issue of Play magazine today and all I can say is that Magna Carta looks so sweet. I hope that the game can live up to the hype. There are so many good RPG's coming out in the next few months that I will have to be selective on what I buy.I have been waiting forever and a day for Wild Arms F ,and yes I played the original game but this looks so good I can't pass it up. I don't want another Beyond the Beyond experience. I have finished Final Fantasy IX and started the .hack series again. I forgot what a PIA with the random room names were. My cat is doing much better and has his bad attitude back :twisted:. I hope that I can go through all 4 games before Radiata Stories comes out because that will get my full attention for a while. I am also looking at getting Romancing Saga (I have the original PS game), and SMT:DDS2 next month. I also need to save for all 3 consoles, ah well I won't eat for a while :D.