Hi! Are there any games made only for US? Becous Im from EU and a hawent see Bounty Hounds in any store!I would wery much have it!!Can anybody help me??THNX
Hi!The game is not so bad, overall is a nice expierince, but is repiting all the time. They wanted to do some FF and they faild.I would chose Brave story: new traveler. Sory, my englis is very bed, but i hope it helps.papa
I would like to get a demo of GOW but will they send me one copy, couse im from EU, and i dont think they seend out of US??
TOOOOO loooong...But i got others games to play till then..Hopfully ill buy ps3 before that...bye bye..
Hi!Im wainting for new Syphon filter: Logan shadow and MGS: portable ops plus.Cant wait............ ill go crazy!bye bye
Hi!Im new here around, and im no fan of FF, but when the remake of FF1and FF2 come out, U MEN, I want this Crisis so bed.Lp, Kris
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