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I can deny it no longer Wii WANT BRAWLLLLLL!

Okay so yeah. Ever since I've heard of Nintendo's consoles I've never been interested in buying them...mainly because their games didn't interest me really. Same goes for the Wii since I first heard about it and it launched and all that. But seeing its enormous success so far and how it continues to destroy sales charts and surprise even Nintendo themselves maybe its time to change my mind on that. They are so far past Microsoft and SONY that its not even funny anymore. Of course they're in a totally different league than them so thats understandable. One game that has me wanting to buy a Wii is Super Smach Bros Brawl. I only hear good things about it any and everywhere I go. Even my friend at work knows and told me the same thing. That he's tempted to buy a Wii just for this game. Gamespot even gave it a 9.5 and praised it to high heaven and back basically. And with the Wii still being the cheapest of the current gen consoles its not like it'll cost a whole lot to buy one....the hard part is finding one. But hey for Brawl I'm up to the challenge. So what do you guys/girls think? Am I crazy for listening to all the hype and not getting one sooner? Do you have a Wii? Plan to buy one in the future? If no to either of these questions. Why? Am I asking too many questions? :P