So basically they are going to release another Nintendo console I probably won't buy. If I do it will be when I can get the console for around $100. I still can't justify a Wii U purchase to myself. Nintendo I used to love you and was one of your biggest fans. You've turned me away. What the hell happened?
@straightcur: Death Threats should never be ignored. There are some truly crazy people out there and you never know what they are capable of. It doesn't happen often, but it has happened and will happen again.
@Daemoroth @UberGamer44 Exactly, the law of diminishing returns may be effecting graphics as more polygons are not giving that wow effect anymore each generation, but there are lots and lots of areas games can improve on. This last generation did more to show this than any other. Just look at the PS2, gamecube and xbox games compared to 360 and PS3 games and how much interactivity, map sizes and amount of things on screen greatly increased with the bigger jump in a RAM and faster multi core CPUs.
The most pwerful machine before the 360 was the original xbox and its CPU was only a 733mhz pentium 3 with 64mb of RAM compared to the 360s 3.2ghz triple core processor with 6 threads and 512mb of RAM. That was a large leap in power that didn't get anywhere near the jump in graphics compared to how the dreamcast and PS2 outdid the ps1, saturn and n64 with a much much smaller jump in power.
yea, I was starving for it so I decided to take matters in my own hand and bought a gaming class PC and have already been enjoying next gen graphics. I can't believe how bad games look after playing one on PC then seeing it on consoles. 8 years for a console cycle is just too long.
They released a console that barely offers anything more today in terms of technology than what its competitors put out 6-7 years ago. The motion gimmick worked for the wii when it did the same thing at its release. A gimmick isn't going to work the 2nd time around and with the new xbox and PS4 coming later this year with a lot more power behind them people are going to forget about wii u. Nintendo's refusal to keep up with its competitors and instead offer a new lower priced console is starting to bite them in the ass as they get left behind. I love Nintendo as i've been a fan since I got a NES in 1986, but even I am having a hard time justifying a Wii U purchase after my wii sat for 3 years unplayed and then offer a console no better than my xbox 360.
they said this at the beginning of last gen too. The graphics level of the 360 and PS3 was not anywhere close to the jump in previous generations. What it did do was improve the game environments meaning bigger locations and more stuff happening on your screen. I expect more of what happened last gen with some graphical leaps, but mostly allowing developers to add more interactivity and other things in the game environment like improved physics. We'll have less static items and a more realistic destructible worlds. We'll also get to see the special effects and lighting from the later versions of direct X which PC gamers have had for a long time. These types of improvements are better than just pure graphical upgrades IMO as it can improve immersion and gameplay rather than just the look of a game.
The 360 is 7 years old. We've never let a consoles life go this long without a replacement available. Most who want one have already got one. They are not going to go out and buy another one. It's impossible to keep sales up when the market is already saturated with your product. This news is the kind of thing that will make MS push out another console as the 360 tap is slowing to a trickle.
kryptin's comments