krypto74 / Member

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451 down, 46 to go

Hey everyone, Just updating y'all with my pokemon stats. of 493 known pokemon, I have seen 453 and caught 451 (The two missing are 445 Garchomp and 080 slowbro that I've seen but never caught). It has finally started getting easier to say how many I have left until my dex is complete. The magic number is 42 (46 because I traded one or four away without having spares. But I'll fix that soon enough)!!

If anyone needs a HEATRAN because they fainted their capture attempt or because the just want an extra or something, I have 1 spare. A kind soul traded me a crapload of legends for my Shiny Spearow, so I hope he's taking care of little Shiny. He also took a munchlax egg and all the starters I had so I finally don't have any more charmander. Who knew charmander weren't popular on GTS.

Honestly, I have a #351 castform up right now on GTS requesting a #368 gorebyss which I had traded to me for evolution, and then traded back to the gentleman. So I can GTS it but I don't have one of my own. Honestly a castform! No one has grabbed it. 3 days on GTS. Totally insane how this trade system works. The only guaranteed trade I have found is Munchlax, offer up a lv.1 munchlax and you almost always get your trade, I have had that trade happen within an hour on occasion.

Right now on GTS there are 4 gorebyss available, for a lvl 70 chimchar, a manaphy, a regigigas or a dalkia. Good luck kids, yer not getting those anytime soon. There are 2 Garchomp, both who want garchomp in trade. They should get together, seriously. Finally, when I searched for Slowbro, I got a communication error and booted off the GTS. This is dumb. The GTS needs to be policed by someone at Nintendo. What happened to all the talk of anti-hack enforcement we heard from Nintendo? People shouldn't be able to ask for manaphy if they haven't seen one before! Its about as rare as Jirachi, because if you went through the Hell that was Ranger, you got your egg and you got a reward. Same for little wishmaker. If you preordered colluseum (which I did not do because I was still very much not into consoles, you got a bonus disc that auto unlocked your Ruby or Sapphire and allowed you to get a special pokemon.

GTS is a great idea, but come on! Either keep legendaries off the GTS, create a new category, or start cracking down on hacked pokemon in trade. YOU CAN'T TRADE FOR A LEVEL 9 OR BELOW Dragonite!!! THAT IS A HACKED POKEMON!!!!!!!! Easiest way to do something about it is the same thing they do to vespiqueen, in order to ask for a vespiqueen, the system auto checks the gender to female. So do the same with the level up pokemon!! If I can't get a frickin Dodrio below level 31 dont let me ask for one in the first place. It is wi-fi! If you need to push a firmware update, you can now because you just send it as a mystery gift, or do it during the handshake process logging on to GTS, or connecting to the network in the basement. Just solve the problem. Wow. Guess I should have made this a rant.