krypto74 / Member

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One Down

I caught a shuckle! One down! 
In other news, I hate comcast right now. My cable company and I have had some slight issues regarding what service I have and stuff like that. I call and ask why something is suddenly not working and they say, you aren't signed up for that. The cable modem runs the phone now, so when the modem is fried I can't call to get help, little stuff. 
This week we got a new Airport Extreme base station. 802.1n baby. Zoom zoom zoom. However, now my DS can't get onto WFC, and I have to figure out why. Then both of my MyBook external hard drives which used to be set up for PC are reading as having disk errors and need wiped. Ugh. That's annoying because we bought them to hold our Itunes library. So I have to redo that whole dang thing. 
And a friend of mine sent me a facebook invite, so if you look for me there, or are from here and want to friend me there, just let me know.
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