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Chaos Chronicles Before Now

Status ( - Same.

Status (GameSpot) - Level 6, 15% (yay), 300+ posts, many new tags.

On GameSpot, I'm now level 6, The Super Spy. Still no new Tagger Leader emblem (good lord, how far away from it am I?). Also, my GameCube Aficionado emblem is back (it disappeared for some reason yesterday).

I've pretty much quit AdventureQuest. It just gets too hard and too broken after a while. Enemies kill you fast, and your attacks will often miss. The game also pressures you into becoming an upgraded subscriber, limiting several fun features to "Guardians Only". After reading that for the 100th time, I finally snapped. A good 2/3 of the game is only accessable by upgrading to Guardian status. Well, they have to make money somehow ;)

Rachel says that she's almost done with Chapter 15. She said she'll be finishing the rest of it tomorrow (hopefully all of you can wait till tomorrow, can't you?). She's expressed that it's actually quite difficult to write it (and she doesn't know how I can manage to do this). Rach, if you're reading this, remember that I still have about 185+ chapters to go in the entire four-story epic. Don't drop dead yet 8)

My grandparents are visiting for the weekend. Sure, not a bad thing, until you understand why they're, they aren't moving in. My brother has his graduation ceremony this Saturday. That's still not much of a problem...but guess what else? I actually have to go. Personally, I don't want to, but my parents are forcing me. I really don't care that much about it, and I might be missing the newest episode of Naruto. That's wonderful...just when things couldn't get worse (it's summer after all :)).

I'd also like to report that I recently joined Wikipedia. Guess which article I went to work on first ;) Added Mertin (since he counts as a villain, and I have a feeling we'll be seeing more of him soon), Krypto (ironically enough, no entry for him in the Main Characters section, and no one bothered to put down his voice actor), some of the Dog Stars' breeds (Mammoth Mutt, Paw Pooch, and Drooly were all curiously lacking those...), and modified a few more things. Not too sure how good of a job I did, but I'd say that I added some essential things (well, mostly essential).

Reflecting on my previous experiences with writing Chaos Chronicles, I do have to say that I'm glad with some of the changes I made. Characters are deeper and more developed, attacks flow smoothly, emotions are portaited to speak directly to the reader, and almost every aspect of the story has been planned ahead (some plot twists were actually last-minute things that I hadn't planned...whoops). Isaac can vouch for me when I say that my previous attempts were woefully bad. But, I've come a long way from that. In's a list of changes that I've instilled (for anyone not wanting spoilers, look away) -

- The demi-Chaos were previously just known as the Chaos, but now they're titled so to relieve confusion.

- Maximus was the Chaos of Speed before. Now he's the demi-Chaos of Machina.

- James mysteriously disappears in Part 3 (due to the demi-Chaos of Mind, known as the Chaos of Mind before). In the original version, he was gone for barely even a chapter. Now he stays out for five chapters, and where he goes is explained.

- Part 4 delivered the demi-/Chaos of Mirror (Elion's greatest creation yet). I never excersized his abilities to the fullest. Wanna take a guess at who it is? Initials are RH...

- Part 5 introduced the surviving Chaos (the actual Chaos, Chaos of Rebirth), X (yes, X is his name). His powers were never fully grasped, and now they've been modified to be more insideous (originally unknown powers, other than reading minds, but now powers of memories).

- Perhaps the biggest change of all...the addition of a backplot/main villain. Before, I had said that Valrin had corrupted himself from using too much of the powers of Chaos when he made the "Chaos of Form", and it was what caused him to be unactive. It occured to me that I never explained how the actual Chaos arrived in the universe, and that this was very unplausible to what I wanted. Therefore, to have a true evil at work and to establish more stories after the first two, I created Elion, the angelic soldier who betrayed the great gods. It's one thing that I never regretted doing.

- The introduction of our three new Annihilators was poorly done, but is now layered with plots to it. For example, I barely even took half a chapter to introduce the Cerosas to the Justice League and Dog Stars, and even then it was fairly brief. Now it takes three chapters, plus extra chapters to gain concepts of why they're all here. And before now...the Justice League wasn't captured.

- The Release gave a more understandable way for the Annihilators to gain their powers. Before, it just sort of...happened. Not very interesting.

- The demi-/Chaos were originally killed by stabbing them through the heart. they get killed when either James or Brian rips the Chaos soul from the human soul, which inevitably causes the death of the human host because of the quick and untrained soul removal.

- The actual Chaos were the Chaos of Blood, Time, Machina, Destruction, Gemini, and Rebirth. Needless to say, Time and Machina were dropped for Matter and Death respectively.

- Valrin was originally to make an appearance in "Story 6" (it's what I named parts before now, so it'd be Part 6). This was to be a long project, but was dropped in favor of putting it into Part 5.

- The powers of the Annihilators have been changed around a bit for consistency.

- ULEP used to stand for just the elimination of magic users. In this version, they go so far as to recruit high-level magic users themselves to eliminate the Annihilators.

- The idea for "Chaos beasts" (term explained at the end of Part 1) applied to every demi-/Chaos and was something transferred from the original version. However, I had only showed the demi-/Chaos of Speed/Machina, Mind, and Mirror in their Chaos beast forms, battling the Annihilators (a flashback in Part 1 showed Leon in his form against the previous Annihilators, but was modded out for this one, as I do show his Chaos beast form). Now, every demi-Chaos goes through the process when fighting our heroes.

- Johnathan Hews died in "Story 1" Chapter 5 before. Now, he dies at the end of Part 2.

- The Annihilators obtain the Eye of Souls in a different way now (term explained in Part 2).

- Jelos is more actively involved in things, as is Elion.

There are many more changes I made, but those are ones you'll have to see for yourself. Sorry if I bored anyone who didn't care that much. Still, it's interesting to look back on what once was. I've definitely improved since then ;)

That's all for me. I'll do some more tonight, then go to bed. Until then 8)