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Current Status Report (5-28-06)

I'm absolutely sure that I'm gaining two levels by tomorrow, taking into account my current percentage, reduction ratios, and the current number of pictures I've done today, which totals about 120 (I'm not kidding). I've completed both Krypto photo albums (delete_lover's and catfan1's), but I'll still keep an eye out for new pictures from catfan1. I've also found another photo album, but not one of Krypto (mostly Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, and Blade pictures). Still, it's more pictures nonetheless (cool pictures, might I add ;)). I've also chosen a permanent picture to go back to after making my picture rounds (I think it looks stylish ;)). Of course, I'd put in the picture of Krypto sleeping if I could (I swear he's so cute :P). And if anyone else has noticed, I have one of the top 500 scores on right now 8)

Chapter 8 is still in development, but I'll keep trying to work on it. Also, thanks to catfan1, Comickook, Mammal_Mage, and passiton for reading Chaos Chronicles - In the Beginning (if anyone else has read it, let me know ;)). Your support is immensely appreciated (and thanks to Comickook for the ratings and reviews, and Mammal_Mage for his review). If people keep reading, I'll keep writing :D

I can't wait for Christmas, because then I'll get a Wii, Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, Super Mario Galaxy, and much more. I'm a big Nintendo fan, after all 8) The Wii looks awesome from what I can see right now, so I'll kill anyone I need to to get one (well, maybe not anyone).

I have no doubt that I'll level up twice due to the sheer amount of pictures. Again, thanks to everyone who's been reading my fan fic and to those trying out the picture trick. I promise Krypto will make his appearance soon. Until then, keep reading. And Mammal_Mage...try to get your own fan fics updated on FicWad as soon as possible ;) For the rest of the day, I'll either be working on Chaos Chronicles, or I'll be playing my Legend of Zelda Collector's Edition Bonus Disk (vintage Zelda fan :)). Also, sorry if I spoiled things for any of my avid readers in my post below ;) I might even do more pictures tonight, but 120 should be enough for now. If anyone's interested, I can give you the link to the album that I'll be using.

"To live and die with absolute honor...that is the way of the Annihilators."

Until then 8)