Gone A Lot
by kryptofreak120 on Comments
Yes, I've been gone for quite a bit. Mostly video games and school work. Status - Level 8, 13%, 273 posts, no new blogs or contributions (believe me, I'll have much to do when Krypto season 2 comes!). OK, so I saw the new site, and I think that it could still use work (just fixing up the errors left by the transition). Also, sorry lazlo_dork, but I must decline from your offer at the moment. Perhaps sometime, I can join, but for now, I'd like to wait until I get my new computer before I do anything else (something faster, which can access the three different sites more easily). In time, I'll tell you when I'm ready. Chaos Chronicles is going by slowly for now. However, it's because I'm still in the thinking stages. Once I'm done with that, I'll begin the actual writing itself. Again, sorry for being gone a lot. I'll be a little bit distracted with school work and video games (finals are next week). Good luck to all, and I hope they get the new site fixed soon. (Oh, and perhaps a new Krypto review tonight).