Status - Level 13, 3%, 718 posts, nothing new.
Well, lately I've been thinking...maybe I should review some South Park episodes while I wait for the rest of Krypto season 2 to come out. That'd help me level up immensely (at least, as immensly as possible right now). Also, has anyone else noticed that the Krypto show rating has gone up to a 6.8/10? This is actually quite a big deal (a 0.3 boost means the show is getting more popular).
But on to the serious matters. I have a request for anyone willing to help me. The Chaos Chronicles key needs some tweaking still, and I'd greatly appreciate any help I can get with it. Right now, I need help describing KtS characters. Please keep in mind that I don't need totally in-depth. Just things such as breed, clothing, appearance, etc. I need help with the following - Andrea, Mechanikat, Delilah, Snooky, all of the Dog Stars, Kevin's parents, Melanie, and possibly others. Since this is done in script format, it makes it so much easier for me to write it all out, yet more difficult to truly express some things.
Any help is needed and welcomed. I can make do if you can't help, but I'd appreciate anything right now. That's really all for me. My reviews start tomorrow, so until then 8)