Status - Level 12, 100% (likely means 99.5 or higher :x), 704 posts, 1 new review (the show South Park), 1 new contribution.
Contribution Status - 194 accepted, 1 pending, 12 denied, 207 total.
Well, I come in and see that my level hasn't changed. Ironically, an episode quote is enough to boost me about 2%, but not past pure 100%. So, I made another contribution to day (only this time, to a person, and his name starts with an "M" ;)). Admitantly, I'm starting to come out of my "state of shock" and actually start to believe that Krypto_glass is indeed Mark Garabedian. I still don't completely believe, but only time will tell...oh, and in case the submission isn't accepted, I did a review just in case, which I'm sure will put me at level 13 (Regal Beagle).
KtS episodes from season 1 (starting at "The Streaky Story" and up) will be re-running starting on Tuesday (in a several hour marathon). This means two things: I get to see the episodes again, and I get more contributions towards those episodes ;) That's also quite ironic. I finally decide to record them, which inevitably means I get more points when I submit info for them. It's speculated that season 2 episodes will begin again once season 1 has made its lapse (or not, who knows?).
About it for me. Chaos Chronicles is coming along well (still need to work on the reference section :x). Good luck, and until then 8)