Status - Level 18, 73.5%, 6600+ posts, s**tload of new tags, one new moderation (will explain later).
Estimated / Confirmed Level Cap - 30+%.
Currently Playing - AdventureQuest.
Currently Watching - The Man Show.
To-Do List - Review Isaac's chapters (I'm kicking myself for not doing this already :evil: ), revise current fan fic chapters, achieve awesomeness status on AQ (almost complete).
Weekly Deviation - Majora's Mask makes for better art sometimes.
Current Mood & Rating - Average, 8/10.
AdventureQuest Status - Character page and AQStats page.
Stupidity of the Day - Moderations (oh no, I'm not's just that I got one on, it was for not completely obscuring offensive words in my blog...yeah, that falls under GameSpot, since I haven't been on in over three months).
Okay, first, blah. Secondly, like I said on FicWad, I've "moved" Chaos Chronicles to deviantART (under the same username, because Aeonis was taken). It's in hopes of reaching more people with my fic (I've already got quite a few, but I'd like a few more possibly). Already attracted attention. Some good, some bad. Not too much to do on there, but all I can really try for is uploading stories and poems. I've started to revise my current chapters and make should I put this...make sense. Too many plot holes for my tastes XD.
On GameSpot, I finally made it out of mini-level 20 (level 17, which strangely had a horribly small level cap). Level 18 is much easier now, with a pretty tremendous cap. In fact, I'll be leveled up by tomorrow. Yeah, I posted in all of my unions last night. Deal with it :P. More tags to come, hopefully some more game reviews soon. I REALLY need to brush up on my reading (what better way than Isaac's fic ;)?). Yeah, some of my unions are dying...not good. In fact (here it comes...:roll: ), perhaps some of you might be interested in joining The Creators' Guild :)? If you like making/playing union games of all types (including the SSB 4-Way Brawl, which was created by the leader of the union, alx222000), this union might need you ;).
Tomorrow, I have a Magic: the Gathering tournament/set release to go to (for Time Spiral). I'm gonna buy me an entire booster box :P. Yep, I'm also gonna be so hyped up on caffeine and sugar, I'll be foaming at the mouth :lol:8). There won't be much to do except try to come off a massive sugar hangover the next day :lol:. Then again, I also have a Consumer Product Report to do in Biology, which sucks, because I don't wanna do it :evil:. Damn school -_-'. Oh enjoy a new MTG set while it lasts ;). I remember splurging on Guildpact and Dissension...those were the days :D. I feel like someone's gonna say something about this :P.
Oh yeah, and GaiaOnline's going alright. My dream avatar is a few miles away still (if not several light years). You try getting something like what I'm trying to get -_-. While I'm at it, I might as well say that I'm looking forward to a few games in the future - Baten Kaitos II: Origins, Final Fantasy V Advance, Final Fantasy VI Advance, Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin, Super Paper Mario, Children of Mana, and pretty much everything, save a few games, on the Wii. I can't wait for Christmas :P. Oh, and for anyone who still hasn't figured it out yet, despite obvious signs, among other things...
I'm absolutely NOT interested in The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass and Final Fantasy III!
Plus I hate how they delayed Metroid Prime 3: not fair, Nintendo. First you make us wait forever for Twilight Princess to come out, now you do this? For shame...I know that it needs to be perfected and all, but still, for shame. By the way, the games mentioned in the actual paragraph above...some are out right now, and I hope to get them soon. Yeah, that's pretty much it for now. So...
Until then 8).
EDIT - Moderated on I think I know who did it (because of a few good hunches). I won't say who, but doing so isn't being very mature about the matter. Plus, coming from, I'm beginning to wonder if anyone gets the message that I'm not going on there anymore...?