Status - Level 20, 9%, 827 posts, nothing new.
I'm starting to think that the only thing that happened on that one day that I didn't get an update was that either I'd done the pictures already, or they just decided to restrict the massive amount of points, or there was a technical glitch. The points were actually from about 30 or so pictures I had done (yeah, I'd be at level 21 right now if they'd been added to my score). To prove this, I've done five more pictures, but I won't do the trick anymore (actually, that means I'll be back into it in a week ;)). It's all about taking chances, I guess 8) As a personal note to myself -
- Page 10 in the first album, picture 5 and on.
- Page 5 in the second album, picture 2 and on.
- Page 1 in the third album, pictures 2-12, 17 and on.
Those are the places I left off on in the pictures. Pretty much I'll only do a few at a time, and unless I get a warning to stop, I'll keep going if needed (I'll try not to draw attention). So yes, if any of the mods are reading this, give me a warning and I'll stop. Of course, it could be wise to just quit right now :( Oh well ;)
I've figured out that the picture below is actually a picture of Kratos Aurion (I think) from Tales of Symphonia. If you haven't rated it yet, feel free to do so now using my special system 8)
Chaos Chronicles - In the Beginning, Part 1 Chapter 10 - Ready for Battle is up. It's mostly just a filler, but it's necessary to bridge the chapters, and you'll get some answers to Johnathan Hews' past in Chapter 11, when we finally see Superman and the rest of the Justice League get captured, and Krypto and Kevin run from Leon and the rest of ULEP. Also, remember that when an inactive Annihilator is nearby, the active ones and the demi-Chaos have their symbols glow to detect them (you'll see what I mean soon). The symbols can also glow when they get angry :evil:
Until then 8)