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Level 24 - Golden Girl

Status ( - Level 24, 17%, 859 posts, nothing new.

Status (GameSpot) - Level 1, 25%, 0 posts, nothing new.

Personally, I don't really like this level, but it's one more step towards acheiving exhalted status ;) I'm going up faster than originally thought, but I suppose that's to be expected.

Keep rating :D This is, by far, my favorite picture.

GameSpot might be a bit harder to level up on (even with the...yeah). I can't submit reviews there until I'm level 3 (ironic how hard it is to do things on there and not here) and I'm not sure how else to get levels (I'll explore the entire site for stuff).

The next chapter in my fic will be getting some major work today (I've barely started it). Stay tuned for it ;)

Until then 8)