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Level 9 - Door Number 2

Status - Level 9, 29% (massive 40% increase), 487 posts, nothing new. Finally level 9, and yet it's still depressing to me, because now I have to try even harder to get to level 10...:( Well, anyways, not much going on with me. I've noticed the Krypto forums are in a bit of a slump waiting for season 2. We know it's coming, but it's not very reassuring when Cartoon Network doesn't say anything about it for a while. It's already got upcoming DVD releases, toys, comic books, coloring books, the like. Why shouldn't it have a season 2 ;) Another thing; I seem to be getting e-mails from places like eBay and PayPal about accounts that I own and asking to renew them. I know the e-mails are probably fake, but I can't help wondering if it's happening to everyone else... This weekend is mostly relaxing and playing video games. I haven't played Animal Crossing: Wild World in a week, so I should do that sometime. In about another week, I'm gonna go on another rampage of editting any mistakes I see in the Krypto the Superdog episodes. Not many left, and I won't touch any of the quotes unless the spelling errors and structure are completely wrong. That's it for me. Nothing from WBA yet, and I'm guessing catfan1 is having similar luck...I hope I can level up some more this weekend, like maybe with more KtS episode reviews (I've got more than 13 left to go, so that's a good 40+% right there). Until then, and good luck ;)