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New Blog Header (Rate) (EDIT)

I couldn't resist :P. GameSpot is so awesome in how you can customize things. The ever-so-awesome one of Kratos Aurion (from Tales of Symphonia) was getting I decided to credit yet another deviantART user 8). Yep...I found five of the most awesome swords I've ever seen in one pic, one sword of which looked like something I'm putting in my fan fic in the fourth story. It was too awesome to pass up :roll:. Speaking of my fan fic, I'm still trying to revise my chapters. If you looked at my dA entry, you probably saw that I said revising Part 1 Chapter 2 and 3 would be my hardest job. I'm seriously not kidding. I had the idea of what I wanted it to be the first time I was trying to write it...then it went completely wrong. In other words, I might've said I'd have it done today, but it's much more of a daunting task than you might think.

But yes, the sword. If you've ever heard anything about the divine dragon of darkness and light, Ragnarok, then you'd probably get the theme here. I definitely won't spoil this (like I spoiled the fight between James and Brian...which will happen due to a certain reason that I won't tell about yet ;)) too much, but In the Darkness will feature two new swords (or one...I haven't decided, but I might split them up into two, both light and darkness) for James Cerosa: the Ragnarok. These will actually be stronger than the Raem, which I did base off of the last boss in Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles for a reason...[snickers] you'll have to wait and see why 8). If all goes as planned, I should have Chaos Chronicles fixed-up and on-track soon...or it could be an embarassing crash n' burn :P. Hope it's not the latter of the two :lol:.

Other than that, I can't wait to buy the DVD for Click. Yay, I f**king love that movie :D! Ummm...what else...VG Cats is awesome (I've seen every comic now ;)). Oh, and another major order of business: you probably saw my last blog, which was an Editorial. Yeah. That was in hopes of possibly getting it featured and obtaining the awesome +1 Orator of Distinction emblem. GameSpot's checking all blogs marked as Editorials, and if they find your discussion good, they'll feature it in the SoapBox page and even reward you with the emblem for it. Don't think it's just for the emblem...I'm actually quite the discussor. I LOVE debating over issues that I have good experience and/or thought process in. Of course, gaming debates are both, since I tend to see the points that both sides make and equally weigh the choices before deciding.

If you've bothered reading through the blog or at least looking at these few lines, then I'd like some rates and opinions on my new blog header :).

Until then 8).

EDIT - Changed it a bit and added a new line of text (as well as putting the word "Ragnarok" going down instead of across).