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Now That That's Done...

Status - Level 19 (close to Hell...), 16.45%, 6670+ posts, new tags, nothing else new.

Estimated / Confirmed Level Cap - Unknown.

Current Mood & Rating - Somewhat pissed, 7/10.

Currently Playing - Metroid Prime (trying to get the Space Jump Boots early, but it won't let me :x), AdventureQuest.

Currently Watching - Happy Tree Friends & Friends.

Stupidity of the Day - Time Spiral (the new MTG set...I'm beginning to suspect that it's MUCH better suited for building on previous expansions, rather than becoming its own...the reason: it's nearly impossible to make a correctly-working multi-colored deck).


Okay, so I got the rules up and everything. None of my current friends need to worry about that. Just any new ones :P. I had a lot of homework to do tonight, but not as much as I thought (shut up Michael...). Anyways, I just finished touching up my Green/White Selesnya Token & Overwhelm deck a few minutes ago (only took a few minutes to put the finishing touches on it). I would've done some more of the stuff at the top, but...I was too tired tonight -_-'. By the way, I finally read your chapters, Isaac :P. Rachel said she'd take time to view them tomorrow :). As for the Stupidity of the Day, I suspect that Time Spiral, the new block in Magic: the Gathering, is more of an expansion than an individual set. It literally has more than eleven different mechanics and 304 cards total, including the "timeshifteds". No matter how hard I try (believe me, I've tried), I can't do much more than make a mono-colored deck. It's doing wonders for my other decks, though...

Now then, as I was saying before a so rudely interrupted me with a violation report, deviantART has been good and bad for me at the same time. It's a good way to see if I can get more readers, but it still needs to get up off the ground. Though I suppose it doesn't matter yet since I just barely started. Like I said before (but it was editted out of the last blog), I was questioned by xAshleyMx if I'd been stealing her work. It's been resolved, so don't worry :P. Let this be a lesson to you all: never mistake praise for theft :P. Nope...I'm not removing anything I just said there. There's some really interesting and awesome stuff on dA, like some pictures of Naruto that make me feel like the show should look like that. Of course, it will soon when they get past filler hell :lol:.

Yes, I've been a bit lazy lately. Sue me. I've also been a little b**chy because of my amounts of homework and the two ToS violation reports filed by two dumbass users. Whoever they are, they aren't handling the matter maturely at all. I suspect I know who one of them is, and I don't have a clue about the other. Perhaps they'd like to brush up on the rules here on GameSpot? Yep...this has turned into a rant :lol:. Let's change the subject...speaking of homework and school in general, I have Thursday and Friday off for a grading inservice and something else. I already know that I'm getting a bunch of different letter grades (the lowest is a C). Then again, the only grade that matters is what I have by semester. But yes...I'll probably have the revised part of Chaos Chronicles - In the Beginning, Part 1 Chapter 2 - The Annihilator of Darkness, Pt. 1 (holy f**k) done by either Wednesday or Thursday.

Two more things: the first, I've been going to VG Cats lately. Awesome stuff :lol:. Including the whole chocobo breeding by cat Aeris, Link burning down the Great Deku Tree after and blaming "the curse", and the most recent 20 comics, I've nearly laughed myself to death :lol:. Anyone wanna recommend some others I should look at? Second, this is specifically for alx222000: why exactly did you not suspect a serious answer to the Quiz Room? Because I DID give you the "correct" answer -_-'. You know, I suppose it doesn't matter. Guess I'd better figure out the next question...oh yeah, and I'm about to be the Game Master for the SSB 4-Way Brawl in another union :P. Cheers to me 8).

Until then 8).