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Picture of the Week - Week 2

Status - Level 23, 7%, 854 posts, nothing new.

Now it's time for my next picture of the week. I didn't get many votes for the last picture, but nonetheless I'll put up anothing one. This one comes from deviantART, and you've likely already seen it after I've talked about it in my blogs. I'd like a rating for it, though ;) I don't think I can give an image of it in the blog, so it has to be a link -

:):):):):) - Perfect

:):):):) - Awesome

:):):) - Good

:):) - Fair

:) - Bad

My level continues to go up, and I hope to get higher up on Gamespot as well. I'm working on the next chapter of my fan fic right now, and remember Kevin's whole "coughing up blood" thing? Yeah, I got that idea from a picture on deviantART (it's called blood pox, not the picture but the sickness). Thanks to Isaac for reviewing my story thus far. I might consider using your characters, but it might be a little hard since Parts 2-5 have been planned out carefully. However...Chaos Chronicles - Eternity of Souls will be more flexible, and thus is the perfect place to use some of them ;)

Until then 8)