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Sorry About the Game Blog

Yeah, I know. I forgot the game blog yesterday. I've been a little busy rearranging my MTG deck for the invitational today at 1 PM. That and some other stuff. I can't get a game blog in today, either, because I have a friend's birthday party to go to. So far, I'm Level 7 19% (they haven't updated me yet), 210+ posts, no new reviews, one contribution made yesterday (not accepted yet, still pending). Wish me luck at my tournament ;) I won't care too much if I lose, but if I win, I'll be sure to tell you ;) Even one win is good enough for me, considering everyone's better than me there :) I'll make sure to tell you all about it after I get back (and I might have a game blog tonight if I can get to it, most likely on a Gamecube game).