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Still Too Lazy -_-

Status ( - Same as always.

Status (GameSpot) - Level 7, 39.78%, 650+ posts, 1 new emblem, 1 emblem lost, 2 new reviews, many new tags.

Ahhh, tags and reviews just aren't what they used to be at this level. Yes, organizing my tags has lost me my Tagger Leader emblem, but today I noticed that my Pushover emblem was gone (that's actually a good thing, I suppose). I now have 24 friends, which means I have a Convivial emblem (still want the Popular emblem). I've been on a total posting frenzy, considering I have lots of unions to go to...if I keep tagging, I should get the Tagger Leader back. Also, I'm simply loving my new avatar. Taking one of the cutest pictures of Krypto and condensing it to follow me around. Convenient ;)

Okay, again, sorry about the delay with Chapter 15. I'm getting really lazy and haven't been finding any time to edit it (Rachel's gonna kill me if she reads this...). I do promise it'll be worth the wait. I'm gonna be working on it a lot tonight, so I should get it done tomorrow (God, I hope so).

xAshleyMx has created another picture of Krypto and friends, this time being quite...strange. I'm considering posting a picture from deviantART each day in my blogs, this time not asking for ratings, but just something to get some discussion going. Some will be Krypto related. Others will be cool pictures that I found. Take a look at "Krypto's gender bender" -

Krypto and Streaky look pretty cute in that picture :)

Let's see...what else did I miss? Oh yes. I joined some new unions, and got a few more friends (note the Convivial emblem ;)). I might do some more reviews tonight (if I can't find the creative inspiration to do the editting -_-), so I hope to acheive level 8 in the next few days (I seriously don't understand how people can do it, though I suppose more reviews couldn't hurt).

Oh, I almost forgot. Yay on the announcement of the Krypto comic release date :D I forgot when it was exactly, but I can go see anytime I want. The cover art of the first issue looks nice. I know that I'm gonna get it. Hopefully I can pick up the DVD in the next few weeks or so (I'm not sure when I can).

Until then 8)