Today's Blog
by kryptofreak120 on Comments
I'm sure as some of you might have noticed, the leveling and stuff is a little messed up right now, or things are disappearing, or whatever. Level 7 19%. No new reviews (maybe some tonight), no contributions (I watched Krypto today, so I might have some coming), 207 posts (finally made it passed 200). Well, I managed to stay home today, meaning Christmas vacation early :D I've also forgotten to mention some things. For anyone mildly interested, I'm lucky enough to be invited to the Arena League Invitationals for Magic the Gathering at my local card shop (just barely made number 16 as a top 16). This Saturday for me ;) Problem is, people are trying to discourage me by saying I'm either not better than them, I shouldn't try because I'll lose, that sort of stuff. I say "well how do you know that?" What's the point if I don't at least try? Also another weird thing so far; I had to change my e-mail password because of a few suspicious e-mails showing up from and (even though I've never even registered for them, they say I have an account there that I need to update). Everything's fine now, though. If anyone is interested, as well, the episode I saw today was The Living End/The Dog Days of Winter. Expect some quotes for those soon ;) That's mostly it for my daily blog. Until later :)