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Updated CCITB Chapter List (Upcoming)

Status ( - Level 26, 58.35%, 870+ posts (tells you I'm coming from GameSpot ;)), nothing new.

Status (GameSpot) - Level 3, 37.7%, 66 posts, 1 new review, many new tags.

As I've said, I have a new list of the upcoming chapters and their descriptions. I'd like to thank everyone who's read it so far (and kept reading, even through some of my plot twists), and I hope I can get more readers to enjoy it (I have my sig on two sites at the same time, plus the website in my profile [for whatever reason it's there and not in my one]). Enjoy ;) -

Chapter 14 - Blood Eyes

What are those eyes that the Cerosa brothers possess? ULEP's about to learn the hard way when they try to recapture the Annihilators, this time with a gift from Leon...

Chapter 15 - That Which Was Lost

The Annihilators try to take back the Watch Towers and the Justice League from Marius, who's suddenly revealed himself as being stronger than originally thought.

Chapter 16 - Leon Paranai, Pt. 1

Leon finally goes to kill the Annihilators, this time on his own, apart from Elion's control. They have no other choice as the Chaos-enhanced ULEP now goes on a killing spree.

Chapter 17 - Leon Paranai, Pt. 2

Leon reveals his true strength in the form of an ancient beast that killed the first Annihilator gods. Are the combined efforts of the Cerosas enough, or do they need help from the new Annihilators? With weapons in hand, they see their future...

Chapter 18 - Leon Paranai, Pt. 3

The final showdown between James and Leon. With nothing holding him back, Leon shows his true form. The glowing memory blades, Raem, versus the death-dealer of hatred, Arinya.

Part 2 Chapter 0 - Part 2 Introduction

The Annihilators have actually killed the demi-Chaos of Form? Jelos turns his attention towards them once more...

Part 2 is called A Brother Betrayed (whereas Part 1 was Legacy of Annihilus [or the gathering of the Annihilators]). Part 2 redefines everything when Elion finds himself a new host for a soldier and uses Valrin's powers to make another demi-Chaos ;)

GameSpot is going well for me right now. I'm finding out how things work on here, and it won't be long before I get to the big levels ;) Still...the emblems could use some work.

School is getting me a bit...frustrated. The week before Finals totally sucks...lots of crap to do, and not enough time to do it. Also, I hope that the Krypto forums can become more active. Thanks to catfan1 and 3StarvingArtist for letting me know that you're both alive still ;) Yeah, too much work to do isn't helping me, either.

Also, it's official...I have a tic disorder. This is f***ing wonderful, because most of it involves banging my arms back against my shoulders, which hurts a lot!! I really can't stop, and it interferes with my writing...yep, sucks for me. It's only a tic disorder, so it shouldn't last very long. The doctors can't confirm if it's Tourette's, but I know that if the tics last beyond age 18, it is.

Here's hoping the best to all of us. Hope everyone enjoys my next few chapters. Until then 8)