Status - Level 15, 69.34%, 6200+ posts, 150+ new tags.
Estimated / Confirmed Level Cap - I have no idea, since I know I haven't been hitting the cap lately, and I contradicted my last estimation.
Current Mood - Neutral.
Mood Rating - 5/10.
Currently Playing - AdventureQuest.
Currently Watching - Dirty Jobs.
Stupidity of the Day - The amazingly hard process of figuring out why the Flash Player won't download...
AdventureQuest Stats - My character page and my AQStats page.
Weekly Deviation - Crystalline Fire...
GaiaOnline Profile - Don't mock me...
Yeah, I signed up for GaiaOnline. Sue me. I wanted to try it out, and it looks like fun (though I was expecting something else, but it'll do). The only problem can be really slow, and some pages don't load up at all. I was trying to access my profile, but the background wouldn't load -_-'. Other than that, I'm getting a good start on things. Stupidity of the Day: GaiaOnline runs on Flash Player 7 or higher, but some areas go for 9. I'd been trying to install it since five months ago, and I just now managed to get it to work. It's been hell since today, though :roll:. Ummmm...I don't think I have anything else to say in this paragraph.
Onto stuff concerning GameSpot. I haven't been hitting the cap each day, and I have a s**tload of tags on daily updates left to do (last Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, yesterday, today, and the Wednesday two weeks ago). Altogether, that's around 200 tags XD. I'm sorry to all of the unions I'm in. Lately I haven't been able to post in most of them (been somewhat busy...). Strangely enough, when school starts tomorrow, I'll actually be more active (I'm not gonna go through the painstaking process of explaining it, but I will say this...THERE IS NO AGGRO RESET!!!). Typing that out made me laugh so hard :lol::lol::lol:. I think I'm just rambling on now...
AdventureQuest/video-games-in-general stuff now. Okay, so I've been farming gold and experience for a week now, trying to get money for the uber sets (Reign and Shadow). They're awesome in both looks and potency (Reign for attack, Shadow for defense). Now I just have to hope they nerf the quest that leads to them and make it much easier with easier monsters (no, everyone on the AQ staff agrees that they made it too hard, especially for high level players ironically). That's why they've guaranteed that they'd nerf it very soon. I need to start playing my other video games I bought a few weeks ago again...and also Baten Kaitos. I should really finish that :|. Nothing else to see here...
School stuff. Bam, school's tomorrow. I wish I didn't have to go back, but it looks like I have to (as do a few of my other friends here on GameSpot). I wonder if I'll be able to figure some of this stuff out, like where my classes are. I also need to get a schedule change at second semester so that I can continue a class (I forgot that little tidbit the first time I did my schedule...). Like all of my friends, school's gonna be Hell for me. I have to buy supplies tonight, then I have to brace myself for tomorrow and the next day, because it's not gonna be thing I do wish they'd do, though, is make a lane for everyone who runs to class (which is basically me), so that I don't have to plow through everyone :lol:. They tell me to slow down, and I reply by telling them to get off their lazy asses and join me. That's my only real way of exercizing: running around the school. It's efficient to say the least ;).
Few more things to cover. I saw the movie Click yesterday. That was some funny s**t! How many people other than me have seen it? Here's probably one of the funniest lines in it (keep in mind that it's about 11 years in the future) -
"In today's news, Britney Spears has had her 23rd child, and Kevin Federline has actually decided to get a job! In other news, Michael Jackson, the first man to successfully clone himself, is sueing himself for molesting himself. Full story at 11."
Yeah, that's just what we need: two Michael Jacksons running around. Here's an idea: why don't we just create two Chuck Norrises and have their kicks meet each other? Now, the movie was very funny, yes, but as the story progresses, the mood started to get sad, and at the climax...well, I almost cried. Tried to hold back the tears as best as I could. Coincidentally, Steve Irwin died yesterday :(. Things were very depressing yesterday. R.I.P. Steve.
That's about it. Until then 8).