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Where is Everyone?

Status ( - Level 26, 58.35%, 868 posts, nothing new.

Status (GameSpot) - Level 3, 1.1% (finally!!!), some amount of posts, two new reviews (I'll have to do more...).

Okay...seriously, where is everyone on the Krypto forums nowadays? I hardly see anyone posting there anymore (save Isaac, Comickook, catfan1, and Ladsone). Really, there's been a decline in the episodes at the moment, but that doesn't mean there isn't more action to find ;) Obviously, there'll be more to talk about when we get more new episodes.

My next chapter of CCITB is up. I'm trying to think of Chapter 14's plotline (it's not gonna be what it originally was). I mean, I'm adding a new chapter because I couldn't put a certain part in the previously added one (Chapter 13). It's mostly gonna involve about a thousand soldiers, mechs, and tanks, and Darius, all infected with Leon's ooze creatures, attacking the Annihilators, and actually truly terrorizing them a bit. It'll be called "Blood Eyes" (the chapter, and for a good reason).

Yes, I stayed home today because of the bomb threat at my school (very ironic how that works). Also, happy Universal Satanic Worshipping Day (I made that name up ;)). Coincidentally, there was an artical in our newspaper about (get this) a boy with a birthday on 6-6-06, and this year he turns 6, and if that wasn't bad enough, he's the 6th child in his family. Ahhh, Oregon. How wonderful it is 8)

I've got two speeches to give tomorrow, plus a test to make up for being absent today. Hopefully the Finals will even it out 8) Oh yeah...(looks around, makes sure he's alone, quietly) I'm quitting the trick :)

Until then 8)