@FruitySytrus so i have been keeping track of jeffbordonaros whole deal, it's over, it was quite humouros whether bad troll or not but this is really dragging it on
**** you gamespot...ereasing my crap that warned people from giant spoilers and you delete my crap?? What the **** is wrong with you ..you've also penalized me for minor things that shouldnt even be considered wrong ...you guys are like the Nazi's of gaming sites. I dont get it. oh and bring back jeff gerstmann you bastards. I dont even know why I stick with this site. you guys are crazy. and your staff sucks to..maxwell mcgee has no character , his 1 on 1's with developers and other people are so bland and colorless, his use of vocabulary is terrible in each and every one, he has no spirit . its like thier being interviewed by a plank with a movable mouth. and most of your other staff look like pedohpiles and scrawny leeches who could be caved in if a fly landed on their shoulder. lol well I guess I'm done for now..till you delete my profile or what ever it is you cheap ball ticklers do to people who you irritate...oh , and what in the f*** is that thing ?? Carolyn petit?? for real? you let a tranny do reviews and coverage? there are a million better people at reviewing games that would love to but you shoot them down for a b*lless cooched man wanting to be a chick??..thats an all time low lol f***ing disturbing guys..f***ing distrubing
BUT WHAT IS ALL THIS CRAP!!!!! i member when games were games and peop-le just loved to have fun...but tunred competitive in system -_- why cant we just enjoy everything..But to me graphics dont matter i love gameplay ..what good is looking real but not acting real ? and im trading in my 360 for ps3 soon as i get my new job
well IMO 360 pics show better graphics in texture and detail but the top ones are more foggy then ps3 ...Ps3 is better tho becuase : 1. it doesnt eat your cds 2.better graphics on alot of games 3.online costs nothing 4.no RROD lol and no over heat issues
kubb724's comments