New Gamespot. v2
by kuku_monroe_Mcb on Comments
Im pretty proud of gamespot staff, now the page actually loads right in Opera, and i can see the videos and everything with no problems. BUT (theres always a but), there are still somethings i hate about the new screenshots system. Which i guess IE users dont care about because they just see 1 picture at a time. But for us (Opera & FireFox users) its stupid to be hitting a buttong for a picture, then wait for it to load (PLUS THE BIGASS AD ON THE SIDE). I can still remember the good'ol deays when i could just click a thumnail and open the damn screenshot in a background page (repeating this about 50 times) to check all the screens. But now, gosh.. the dame java script that makes the screenshot window to load can be open just 1 time.. and of you want to check 2 screens simultaniously you are screwed. Now, i hope they are saving that bandwidth i used watching all the screen for those new shinny video and flash ads. Now, gamespot is just a text-only page for me.. and i just stoped giving a damn about the screens. Thanks a lot, Gamespot staff. 1up, there i go.