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Blargh! Bloody tired.

[mood| stressed] [music| "Hikari--Orchestra Version" Kingdom Hearts OST]

I haven't been around much because I've been working at a grocery store. Ten to seven. Everyday.

...My feet, back, and knees are killing me. It's like nine hours non-stop on my feet, being "pleasant", finding stuff for people, bagging, ringing up, gathering carts, price checking, and I am so bloody tired. And tomorrow and Sunday I have to do the same thing. ALL OVER AGAIN.


So, I'm going to try to post as much as I can when I'm home and not curled up in a ball on my bed sleeping.

W.I.P. I hardly knew thee.

[mood| tired] [music| Nouvelle Vague "Too Drunk to F***"]

So, hum. I'm not playing any survival horror at the moment. Which is so very strange because I'm always playing some sort of horror whatnot.

But no. Not lately. I'm playing Metal Gear Solid 3 again. Just to prepare myself mentally from the release of MGS3: Subsistence this fall. Mm huh. I think MGS3 has so many good and admirable elements in the gameplay and story that I wish a more upcoming video games would take into consideration. It has character, emotion, feelings and some rather cool action cutscenes.

After all these years, MGS just has it. I guess Kojima just has it. I would give my left foot and then some just to be a junior concept artist on his team. Hmph.

Anyways, I haven't been very productive art wise--only a few things I'm working on. Mostly just craaaap. But oh well.

W.I.P Alfred from RE: CV. Crazy cross dresser...And there's a little me being a zombie next to him. I'm thoroughly annoyed with this picture at the moment. So, it's on my "Get back to when I'm not so damn lazy" list of art to do.

W.I.P CO Kumi from Advance Wars. Yes. I made myself into a CO... I have an addiction to Advance Wars. It's very bad. I can't go an hour without playing that game. The Orange Star Army compels me! I must rid Omega Land of the Black Army Scum! x_x

I think it's time that I go play more Advance Wars...Er...I mean, go to bed. Yes. Bed...Where my wee orange army resides. *shifty eyes*

Back Jack

[mood| working] [music| Aquabats "Invisible Man"]

Back from my mini vacation! Disney was fun. Not too crowded because the summer season is winding down, but really, really warm. I have never felt so warm that it literally was like my insides were baking. Argh. OH! And The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror is the BEST ride I have EVER been on. It wasn't too scary--just more...surprising than anything. It's just so shocking to be in an elevator in complete darkness, going up, then having the elevator doors open to the wide, bright sight of the park, and then dropping about twenty stories, and going back up again, and dropping even further.

...I went on it about five times. (Heh. I couldn't help myself.) :P

But it was good. Fun. Played lots of DDR in the Tomorrowland Space Arcade. I even got to play against some Japanese girls and we did some cute, teenaged girl Japanese talking with each other. Japanese is the only language where flighty, girl talk sounds so CUTE. I could do it forever. And they were so nice about my Japanese! They said my accent wasn't very heavey and noticable.

By the time I was done talking with them, I was totally standing and walking all pigeon toed like them. かわいい!

So, good trip. But I missed this place...And my computer. Heh. Ohoh, and game related: I picked up Advanced Wars: Dual Strike. Ohman, I'm having so much fun playing it. I might just have to write a review for it. Oho! And if anyone of you people in the LA area that owns a PSP--Fry's Electronics on Sepluveda Blvd. has the Bleach Japanese PSP game. I sat there for five minutes just staring at it. Never have I wanted a PSP more in my life. Just to play that game. They also had some Japanese DS Maijong game, but I wasn't digging that. They need to get the Naruto DS game. Yepyep. u_u;;;

But anyway...time to go check out the boards!

PS. I bought a Mickey Mouse ears hat with "Kumi" stitched on the back. :lol: I must take pictures tomorrow.

Vacation Getaway

[mood| content] [music| Rolling Stones "Beast of Burden"]

So, I spent most of today playing Hitman 2 and shopping in Manhattan Beach with my mum for new clothes. Guess which one I found more enjoyable? Yep. The Hitman 2 playing. While, I did pick up some neat clothes (Including a VINTAGE Rolling Stones concert tee. You can't believe how happy I was to find this. Hence the Stones music. ^_^) I must say that I found assassinating a KBG officer in St. Petersberg less frustrating than spending most of the day with my mother. Don't get me wrong--I love my mother, but honestly, how long does it take one person to decided on SHOES? I swear to god, we spent almost three hours in Macy's while she tried on shoe after shoe. (I on the other hand, took one look at cute pair, got them in my size, and was done in under ten minutes.)

...I was so glad I had my DS or I would have gone crazy.

But anyway, the real reason I'm posting is that the second part of my birthday present, aside from moolah, was three days in Disneyland. So, I'm leaving really early tomorrow morning and won't be back until really late Sunday. We live an hour away from Anaheim, but it's just easier to stay at a hotel. Plus, we're staying at the Disney's Grand Californian Hotel located in the California Adventure park, meaning, we get to go into the parks an hour earlier than all the rest of the riffraff.

You can bet I'm getting my butt on Space Mountain and the Indiana Jones ride before anyone else tomorrow morning. ^_^

I'd take my laptop, Dean with me, but that might interfere with all my Disneyland fun and my love of Mickey Mouse outweighs my love of the internet.

Adieu! Goodbye! Ja ne! Au Revoir! Arrivederci!

Truckin' right.

[mood| happy] [music| The Specials "Ghost Town"]

First off, thank you to all the birthday well wishers and such. <3

Went to dinner with my parents to a shee-shee, fancy smanchy Hollywood restaurant type thing. Had orange chicken. Nom, nom, nom.

And I received money. Like always. But money isn't bad. That money is going towards pre-ordering my copy of Advance Wars: Duel Strike for DS. ^_^ Heehee. I can't wait to be General Kumi again and start moving my wee Orange Star Army around and crushing the opposition! :twisted:

I also dyed my hair. Sort of. I didn't have time to leave it on at the recomended time (I made the mistake of trying to dye my hair two hours before dinner. Baaaad time management on my part.) , so it didn't get as bleached as I would have liked. Meh. I think I'll go buy more later and try when I actually have some time to devote to it.

...*blink* Dear god. This journal is turning into my LJ. I need to stop that. Next time: More game talking, less my random adventures.

...Legal cocktail, anyone?

[mood| giggly] [music| madness " house of fun"]

Today marks a grand occasion...I am officially...LEGAL! It feels like it took forever to get here. I'm the last of my friends to turn eighteen. (And trust me. That sucks.)

I am SO going to go buy a "Playgirl" tomorrow. :lol:

Arts n' Craft.

[mood| content] [music| gackt "vanilla" (unplugged)]

I fear it's time for...art! Yes. Well--I am an art student, you know. Despite all addicted gamer like appearances, I do actually have a talent other than being able to use a game controller. (Shocking, I know!) And I'd like to think that talent is art. Sort of... Kind of... Oh well. It's what I do the most. Besides gaming...

Anyways--I do game fanart when I'm not...doing other things. So, uhm. From now on, I guess I'll post any game fanart that I happen to be working on at the moment. So, yes. I was productive today! I didn't play any games and I just doodled. Fun, fun.

Eileen from SH4. I just started this drawing. I can't bring myself to colour it just yet. It was a bit of a inner struggle just to ink it. >_< Yes, I know the perspective is off, but I'm too tired to care.

Cowboy Kevin from RE: Outbreak...I giggled like a fourteen year old fangirl while playing that game. I don't think that's ever happened in any other game. o_o But anyway--quick, tres crappy doodle of zee Kev. Cowboy hats are apparently not my strong point. I'm never gonna try to draw one again. EVER. I've learned my lesson...And if that background got any more creative and complex, I'd have to take it to a de-complexing...place...just to...un-complex it. o_O; Oh, and colouring inspired by the one and only, Hyung-tae Kim.

...Hum. So, I think I'm gonna get myself to bed. I have to go to an Open House for this art college or somesuch tomorrow. GAH...I just graduated from school. I don't think I'm ready to go back just yet.


Imasick. x_x

[mood| melancholy] [music| kagrra "uta"]

I started up Silent Hill a day or so ago. I missed it so.

Unfortunately, I've been sick/nauseated the past few days so I can only play it for about thirty minutes before I feel like hurling. Ralphing on my PS2 isn't a good thing. It might short it out or something.

...So, I'm sick, hence I can't play video games, hence I am very sad and mopey.

(Yes. I added moods, music and changed my image header. When I'm bored I get fickle. c_c)

Kuoning on 'til tomorrow. See you cowboy.

[mood| quixotic] [music| meh.]

Right now "Kuon" is currently in my PS2. I find it amusing. Not so much scary, but...amusing nonetheless. The fighting game style is frustratingly hard sometimes (as in: attack delays) but now that I'm on Yang Phase, I think I've finally got the hang of that mother.

But on that game fighting style note...I think I've given up on "Samurai Western". While I found the game kind of funny on some levels and the concept is pretty good, when I keep finding myself thinking about doing the dishes or cleaning my room while battles are "raging"-- I think that's the point when the gameplay has become too repetitive for me. The camera reminds me a little too much of "Red Ninja" and I despise that game with all my blackish pink video gaming heart. (Note the bold and italic)

So--I'm retiring "Samurai Western" back into my closet video collection and breaking out a personal favorite, due to it's main character, "Bounty Hunter". I was watching a bootleg of Star Wars: Episode 3 today and I had the strangest urge to get out all my Boba and Jango Fett merchandise. "Bounty Hunter" included. (I won't tell you how much money I've spent on my Fett collection-- It might make non-Fett geeks want to hurt me...Very badly. Very, very badly.)

Yes. I love Boba Fett. (And Jango Fett.) Yes. I realize that's really geeky and Boba Fett only spoke like...four words or so in the whole of three movies, but what of it? A girl can dream, can't she?! Sniff.

...Oi, and my interview went fine. But why is it, I always think of more wittier things to say afterwards?! *headdesk* I hope I get this Barnes and Noble job. It won't be half as fun as the EB Games job, but you have to settle with what you can get. Plus, the EB Games is just across the street from the B & N. Whose gonna be in there all the time on their lunch break? Moi! ^_^

Cluck, cluck, Clock Tower 3

[mood| satisfied] [music| kagrra]

So, I decided with of sound mind and of sound...gamer intentions to replay Clock Tower 3. Because I didn't get enough punishment the last time 'round. It occurred to me, while I finished the game, I don't actually remember anything that happened. (This shows you the lasting mental impact of this game...)

It was, in all, respects, the return of me and the wraith of my Curtain of Doom™. A curtain that can thwart even the most blood thirsty of serial killers! Alas! Avast! Oh my!

I only played the first chapter and I'll tell you why-- Because my wee thumbs were tired from moving the analog stick to move Alyssa behind a curtain to escape the serial killer. I had to use this method almost ten times. While, I appreciate the evil ghost serial killer's enthusiasm, busting down doors and popping out of nowhere, while I'm trying to complete my task of helping this poor little girl is not scary to me. It's annoying.

And there's the first reason why Clock Tower 3 bugs the heck out of me. I'm afraid of subtle, creepy atmosphere, sounds, but not raving lunatics with their own cheesy theme music that mow you down like you were a bad patch of crab grass. Not uh. No sir.

The threat of the serial killer became more and more annoying as I progressed. It became rather tedious having to listen for a door opening and running like a scared British school girl behind a big red curtain or a locker. Which, by all reason and logic, the serial killer could have easily just walked around or in the locker's case, opened. Because it wasn't even LOCKED for goddsakes.

I think what annoys me the most about CT3 is not that the villains were hard or the tasks themselves had any challenge, it was the lack of challenge that bugged me the most. It was like, the AI programmers put no detail in the enemies. They're all twisted freaks who can be easily thwarted by a curtain or a door or a table or a My Little Pony. It's pathetic.

I gave up replaying CT3 as soon as I beat the first task. I couldn't bring myself to play anymore--I have nothing to prove. I beat it before. That was enough. So, I clicked CT3 back into it's little, plastic holder case and brought out Haunting Ground. Because maybe it can wash away the horrid sting of CT3's stupid villains with their highly intelligent and fun to provoke enemies.

Bleh. OH! But I have a job interview today. Yay! A job means money! Money means more video games!