[mood| working] [music| Aquabats "Invisible Man"]
Back from my mini vacation! Disney was fun. Not too crowded because the summer season is winding down, but really, really warm. I have never felt so warm that it literally was like my insides were baking. Argh. OH! And The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror is the BEST ride I have EVER been on. It wasn't too scary--just more...surprising than anything. It's just so shocking to be in an elevator in complete darkness, going up, then having the elevator doors open to the wide, bright sight of the park, and then dropping about twenty stories, and going back up again, and dropping even further.
...I went on it about five times. (Heh. I couldn't help myself.) :P
But it was good. Fun. Played lots of DDR in the Tomorrowland Space Arcade. I even got to play against some Japanese girls and we did some cute, teenaged girl Japanese talking with each other. Japanese is the only language where flighty, girl talk sounds so CUTE. I could do it forever. And they were so nice about my Japanese! They said my accent wasn't very heavey and noticable.
By the time I was done talking with them, I was totally standing and walking all pigeon toed like them. かわいい!
So, good trip. But I missed this place...And my computer. Heh. Ohoh, and game related: I picked up Advanced Wars: Dual Strike. Ohman, I'm having so much fun playing it. I might just have to write a review for it. Oho! And if anyone of you people in the LA area that owns a PSP--Fry's Electronics on Sepluveda Blvd. has the Bleach Japanese PSP game. I sat there for five minutes just staring at it. Never have I wanted a PSP more in my life. Just to play that game. They also had some Japanese DS Maijong game, but I wasn't digging that. They need to get the Naruto DS game. Yepyep. u_u;;;
But anyway...time to go check out the boards!
PS. I bought a Mickey Mouse ears hat with "Kumi" stitched on the back. :lol: I must take pictures tomorrow.