[mood| happy] [music| The Specials "Ghost Town"]
First off, thank you to all the birthday well wishers and such. <3
Went to dinner with my parents to a shee-shee, fancy smanchy Hollywood restaurant type thing. Had orange chicken. Nom, nom, nom.
And I received money. Like always. But money isn't bad. That money is going towards pre-ordering my copy of Advance Wars: Duel Strike for DS. ^_^ Heehee. I can't wait to be General Kumi again and start moving my wee Orange Star Army around and crushing the opposition! :twisted:
I also dyed my hair. Sort of. I didn't have time to leave it on at the recomended time (I made the mistake of trying to dye my hair two hours before dinner. Baaaad time management on my part.) , so it didn't get as bleached as I would have liked. Meh. I think I'll go buy more later and try when I actually have some time to devote to it.
...*blink* Dear god. This journal is turning into my LJ. I need to stop that. Next time: More game talking, less my random adventures.