kumon123's forum posts
thanks for the adivice !!
i will try out bio shock enternal sonata and lbp
these games look different
but yeah no gow 3 for me.
any news on dmc 5?
trust me bud
r 1 not that good
r 2 is good
but mgs4 omg
its a long game trust me
After the PS2 I was going to hand up my controller and stop gaming.
I thought to my self meh.. not much coming out and the ps3 looks to $ for me..i am getting bored i missed those highs with mgs jak etc...
So I tried to play a real epic game for ps2 that everyone said was very good but i never got a chance to,
I knew this was going to spark my engine and i could have fun once again, re capturing those epic moments . U know...beating Zelda, mario and golden eye for n64
then going on to beat jak, mgs 2, ffx and devil may cry series ......i can get those good times back
OMG I WAS WRONG ...GOD OF WAR (for me, and only me) was a very bad game (again for me i understand that everyone else liked it)
so i said i am done, if this is the best game out there that got 9.5 on everything possible then wow i am done
So i stopped playing games all together.
1 year passed by and my Mom was like no dear you have to play !!! your growing up to fast !!! lolololol hahah i love my mom loll too fast ?? ok
so my mom and my dad got me a ps3 in 2007. I was very happy and great-full
I said ,here we go i will get those epic moments back!!!! ..............
...I have not, it has been 2 years and well ....nothing no epic games of THAT porportion
the only epic game for me was MGS4 (duh) but everthying else was good great nice but not omg MARIO 64 or the ending of ffx .
i have the following games
ratchet and clank
cod 4
devil may cry 4
mirors edge
---- i thought the above games would all be on the zelda golden eye mario mgs 2 range of madeness
but only mgs4 was ..the rest were very nice games ..thats all nothing crazy good, short to...about 12 hours each (thats being nice)
game list continues...
fight night 3
nhl 2 k7
fifa 09
soul calibur 4
and other ok games (about 5 more)
so the ps3 experiance has let me down ....i love the thing but not as much as n64 or my ps2
i guess i need to give it more time ?? but it has already been soo long and the games that came out are the best ones that will come out (in the speical list above )
so? what can i do is there any game that will save my expriance ? mgs4 did give me those old times back ..
killzone 2 ? or maybe bioshock? how much more should i spend before i can get "that" type of fun again.......
dont even mention gow 3 lol never will play it (dont want to quit the ps3 this soon)
k guys this has been a long post and lots of spelling mistakes
what do you guys think?
IF I install a 500 gb Harddrive will the PS3 read it ?
In other words, will I be able to use the 450 gb? (- 50 due to space required for what ever reason)
Does anyone know the limit ?
I saw a internal santa hardrive 1.5 Tb.
Would the PS3 be able to use that?
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