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kungfudude69 Blog

Here I am!!

You may have been thinking that ive dissapeared since i havent posted on here in a while.

Its not my fault ive had exams and lots and lots of gaming to do.

SO whats new with me?

Well we dont really play Chromehounds anymore, and after the Halo 3 beta the clan was pretty inactive because of exams as you might expect. However all was not lost, not long after the end of our exams and celebrations saints row was beconning to be played again. It could be the storyline that drew us in but it was certainly the multi player that kept us going for the next month. Especially the gametype "Pimp my Ride" Which i believe is the most innovotive game types around at the momment. I dont think that there are any games that have such an interesting dynamic to it. Anyhow, that was about a month ago or 2-3 weeks im not sure, I lost track of time. Now we are being sucked into new and old games. Some in the clan are enjoying the underwater depths of Bioshock. Whilst others are discovering their skills on C&C 3 and ploughing their way through the story line. Some are doing both. I myself am a C&C 3 man, its possible i will purchase bioshock down the line or wait for it to burn out and borrow it from a friend. Im not sure what it is but I dont see myself submerged in the storyline, excuse the pun. I'm really not sure what it is about the game but I'm just not that interested in plasmids and weak weapons and a frankly short what i think is an RPG pretending to be action. Im not slagging the game off i just see it as a one week wonder for myself. On the bright side it has I have heard an incredible story and the plasmids, upgrades etc. allow great stratagies and such like to overpower your enemies who are resiliant and smart. The game looks beautiful and has a very interesting setting of the mid 40's mixed with a warped sci-fi feel. From what I have seen (which is a fair 3 hours)it looks like fun for any one looking for a thrilling(not scary) shooter that likes a change from the same old same old shooters.

C&C 3 is very very good, Ive pretty much spent the last week and a half blasting through the story which is compelling, its a great port to 360 and feels like it was designed for the console. I only hope to see more RTS games with similar controls. As for the gameplay its not so much different from many other RTS games. I like the return to harvesting substances rather than workers gathering suplies as we saw in C&C Generals, which was good but I prefer the what it has returned to since i grew up with Dune by westwood and dune emperor also by westwood. The former which I played on Playstation so it was nice to plays some RTS back on a joystick. It was also a breath of fresh air from Dawn of war which I played alot a while bac, the requistion points sickening and the servitor(worker) units required to make buildings were very annoying moreso since thay take up command points, which I understand because it allows a point system similar to the table top game which I also play.

So that how its going right now, I guess all thats left is my looking forward to list. First off is Halo 3, obviously for the storyline and many months of multiplayer. Until its being pushed back GTA IV would be next but I Guess I just have to wait. The closest to comming out is stranglehold but i worry that will burn out quickly, so I may not purchase it. Halo wars is also a big title to me, Halo AND RTS, it looks great and with great controls. Assasins creed is apears to be a very good title that I think I will enjoy and looks to have alot of replay ablity I worry the combat will become bland and uninteresting. We shall se. Call of duty 4 looks incredible, the customisable roles are cool and will allow a great deal of diversity and great online play. The final one but definatly not the least is Mass Effect. Being a fan of KOTOR I cant wait for an in depth sci-fi story that looks not only huge but has great graphics. Its going to be a great year for gamin, the only complication being im starting my AS levels in a week. I rely hope I'll have time to play some of these games in between work, rather than the other way around.

Right well I will bid you all adue until the next time, not sure when I'll wright next but I only assume not for a while.

Well until next time have a great gaming year from me, mabye I'll see some of you online.

Gamertag:KUNGFU DUDE 69

Revival on Chrome hounds?

Recently i havent been getting much sleep.


The hounds have got me again. It seems that right now all my fellow clan members want to do is  play on chromehounds, after dragging out the old dusty disk i have to say, I cant blame them. IS it the gamerscore? IS it the fact that the clan is actually doing something toether? I cant tell. What i can tell is, im loving it.

Shivering Isles

Ive just spent all of yesterday doing the storyline of shivering isles.i think it took about nine hours in the end. But bloody hell best nine hours of gaming ive had in a while. I loved getting back into oblivion even for just a day and what a great storyline. I had first anticipated a really dark and weird storyline with warped creatures and characters with odd tentecles, However i was plesently surprised to find it was just same old oblivion but with a load of new creatures and weapons. I speak mainly here of the dawn and duskfang, which those of you that have played it will know how cool it is.

 Anyhow, enjoy it, leave about a day to get the storyline done cus ull keep coming back and be not afraid of teh big gatekeeper. I garantee by the end of teh story you'll feel Godlike.;)