I want all of you to know, I am not the person writing this article / paragraph. However, I found his ideas and experiences veryinteresting, that Wii actually helped him change his life. Hopefully some parents out there realize their kids have to be active to be healthy, and if they aren't into sports, maybe you can trick them into getting active with the Wii:P . Enjoy "George's" experiences as he progressively gains more self confidence and consider how it could effect your lives, or others around you.
Reviewer: George, Ottawa
I myself have always been a video gamer, and as many video gamers can, have too often indulged in sugary carbohydrate filled foods in excess - without any real form of exercise beyond necessary walking.This style of life has resulted in the addition of many pounds of weight over the years and I have now swelled to the point that it is uncomfortable and depressing to go out much in public. Lacking the motivation to change my habits I had pretty much given up hope of slimming down to an acceptable weight in my eyes. And then Nintendo produced the Wii.I purchased my Wii when they first came out, and have been playing it non stop ever since. At first I didn't notice much of a difference. I could not play several of the games for too long due to the amount of physical exertion requires, but many I could still play due to their less demanding controls. Weeks of playing games of the two varieties on and off built a tolerance of sorts to the more physically challenging games. I found this to be interesting and continued to play the system in this manner for the weeks to come.As mentioned before I am, or was, bordering on obese. Because of this, I am not prone to checking my weight as most of the time I would rather not know. However as my tolerance to the physical challenges presented by the Wii grew greater, I began to have more energy and feel slightly more alive. After the first few weeks had passed I felt as though I had lost weight, and began to check on the scale daily after that point. The results were astounding. For each day that I played the Wii, without changing my diet or behavior I was losing nearly 2lbs a day This continued for many weeks, and while the weight loss has sloped off now I am able to move better than I have been able to in years. Metroid, one of my all time favorite games as a child has been instrumental, as the energy required for sustained gameplay is substantial. I can now play for many hours at a time and for many periods throughout the day.I cannot help but feel that this has shown how the Nintendo Wii is changing the future of video gaming for inactive children everywhere. Where many of our parents would go out and play ball, or enjoy the outdoors too many of us are growing up in a society that promotes family time as time in front of the TV. Video games have been just as guilty, on both consoles and computers alike, but few games outside of Arcades have ever offered a physical interaction as has the Wii. I would recommend to any and all parents this system if you notice your child spends too much time in front of the box, gaming or watching TV. Take the initiative, encourage healthy behavior, and incorporate the physical interaction of the Nintendo Wii into your gaming experience or that of your kids.