The game should've been longer and the last boss was way too easy even on hard mode, I just spammed gallop lancer and basically killed it in a few seconds. But it was alright I guess, Now I need another game like this, with multiplayer, so overall not bad.
Hmm... I'm not so sure what will help but is there a way to re-install the firmware? It may help, or try getting the firmware from a different site or an updated version. Sorry I'm not much help.
Sengoku Basara LOTR: war in the north Dynasty Warriors 5 Empires Eternal Sonata (JRPG with very limited co op since it's only in battles) Dungeon Seige III ( the camera view is horrible in 2 player co op since It's only top view not closer up like other games in co op mode)
FFXIII was alright for me but I would of prefered if there was New Final Fantasy game that actually kept the original battle system like in VIII or IX even though some people might say that it makes the battles too slow, I kinda prefer Final fantasy games to be like this and have the original FF feel to it.
I'm looking for a game which supports at least 3 players through co op and I don't mind if multiple carts are needed. I've played Dragon Quest IX which was alright but I would prefer something more of a dungeon crawler or hack and slash game. No shooters though.
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