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Remakes and there evil belated twin or destorying books

I got a movie that they should remake. Westworld there a bad ass movie that would need todays cgi movie magic. What is it about movies when they remake movies that they destory the heart of the first one? some do them justice but not always. Even worst than remakes would be books to movies for instance " I AM LEGEND" I loved that book Richard matheson is one of my favorite authors. What dreams may come, noir, hell house. this book main point is never really touch in the movie and the whole LEGEND thing is that he is the last of mankind not finding a cure bs. and the way his family whent in the book was more of a tragic then the blowing up a coast guard helo. another book I was looking forward to was MEG which was a Steve allten book about a prehistoric shark 4 times bigger than JAWS great book but new line said that a movie base in the water wouldn't do well and not to mention the golden compass floped and the whole ression thing might have made a than decsion for them. Death wish is being remade I would want to see thing but Sly the leading role? charles bronson was a small guy that was the whole appeal to those movies no a big muscule bound with a violent past no he was a account mild manner and snapped pre-punisher vigilante. (actually punisher come out in feb 74 and death wish was july 74 but you know it takes about a year to make a moive so that why I said pre- punisher) and there so many other remake on the way ready to robb me of my 80's child hood Short Circuit , Hellraiser, Child's Play, Starfighter, Near Dark, Highlander, Red Dawn, Footloose, Akira, Back To School, Romancing The Stone, Karate Kid to top off the list. sad day ( atfer this post I found out that there is a westworld remake in the works)

old school VS. next gen

Some of you may not think this is true, but this the way I look at it. Do you remember old school NES, Genesis, SNES games? I always felt those games had heart much like as if a artist painted, it's said that part of his soul goes in to it. Much like the old school they were creative, bold and for what they were working with it was a thing of beauty and free as a wild horse not to tamper with by mans tainted hands, somewhere this great art form become this cold, lucrative, business. "play it safe" do some of the same "don't get creative, stick with what works". It was like nintendo and sega were school yard kids fighting and now they grow up and nintendo got a great job and sega collecting unemployment and look out for this green eyed monster (that use to only make sports games) named EA gobble up everything that it see's. Don't get me wrong I love video games still but I would love to see more passion instead of sticking to the script. I got to hand it to nintendo for being innovative with the wii they tried something new which is good:D. I do believe that ppl depend on game reviews to much, which can destory any hope of the game being succesfull. I always rent a game if it appeals to me I don't care how afwul the review such as ninety-nine knights (now own) most don't like the game but I happen to enjoy it. I remember growing up and the only review I can could find was from gamepro (now if you ask me is a watse of paper). Now any thing can be of found on the internet which isn't bad because gamepro wasn't that good. Now you can get updates as soon as it happens instead of waiting until next month. Today' s games can be played online as well which can be Awesome unless you got that lil' kids that cusses more than a sailor, and doesn't even have hair on his hushpuppies, that can't stand the sound of silence so he must go "blah, blah blah no one's talking to me:cry:". But atleast you can mute them;) and it's quite rewarding to blow there head off in team death match:twisted: Wireless controllers are the norm now and that is groovy remember the old days, "Coming thur" pause the game, lean forward so the cords touch the floor so the gamer crossing can get bye, BOOM (now demoted to dogmeat) because he slides when he walks and doesn't pick up his feet, ripped out your SNES and VCR out from your entertainment center, "You are no longer welcome here, be gone". Just one scenario, results may have varied but you get the picture. Do any of you remember the first Starfox it was great, well I played it last year and wow, it did not stand the test of time. Was HOT in high school and now a 25 Year old hooker strung out on crack or something. The guy's are no better off either girl-boy JRPG or Big beefy muscles impossible HUGE gun. could we find a even middle? Well I'll end this tirade. All and all I think the give and get, almost ,not quite but even. See ya next time:P

Ranting & Rambling on about game stuff old and new

I don't know about you guys but, I can Get burnt out on FPS sure I love some of them, (Time Splitters,COD4, F.E.A.R., bioshock and others i can't think of right now) and I don't put 3rd person shooters category (because to me the're diffrent some how, yea i know crazy) most i love and don't get burnt on. I think It's because my first xbox (not 360) was like "FPS machine" and alot of PC games are FPS. where as the PS2 I didn't own one FPS that was my RPG and Platformer system. Now that's all changing the 360 has the rpgs werid turn of events I haven't even bought a ps3 yet to me there is not much for me (maybe msg4 and lil' big planet) i would like that to change and no, I'M NOT A FANBOY. No, I don't own a wii not because I hate nintendo (i love nintendo) I love the Gamecube (Donkey Konga came before guitar hero folks) and if a game that came out on PS2 or Gamecube I got the gc one because of the better graphics much like ppl buy a muti-platform game for ps3 today for the graphics. The reason why I don't own a wii as because I'm lazy gamer and when i come home from working 12 hours I don't want to be all active I want to chill watch a movie or play a game and lounge on my couch also because it's this causal stick waggling (thank you yahtzee) and if i want to workout I'll work out and I don't know a game to distrot reality and tell me working out is fun because it's not it's "working" out and it suppose to be "work" and rewarding not fun but alas i digress it's like Mario party is Really fun but now all games are mario party ahhhhh. Wow i just discovered i had Wii hostilities whew sorry Nintendo. Going back to the first Xbox I sold it because of all the damn FPS's and no variety there was kotor and toe jam and earl and afew others but not enough for me to keep it and collect dust. well I'll close for now and i may add some more later bye for now.