kurohubby / Member

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Ranting & Rambling on about game stuff old and new

I don't know about you guys but, I can Get burnt out on FPS sure I love some of them, (Time Splitters,COD4, F.E.A.R., bioshock and others i can't think of right now) and I don't put 3rd person shooters category (because to me the're diffrent some how, yea i know crazy) most i love and don't get burnt on. I think It's because my first xbox (not 360) was like "FPS machine" and alot of PC games are FPS. where as the PS2 I didn't own one FPS that was my RPG and Platformer system. Now that's all changing the 360 has the rpgs werid turn of events I haven't even bought a ps3 yet to me there is not much for me (maybe msg4 and lil' big planet) i would like that to change and no, I'M NOT A FANBOY. No, I don't own a wii not because I hate nintendo (i love nintendo) I love the Gamecube (Donkey Konga came before guitar hero folks) and if a game that came out on PS2 or Gamecube I got the gc one because of the better graphics much like ppl buy a muti-platform game for ps3 today for the graphics. The reason why I don't own a wii as because I'm lazy gamer and when i come home from working 12 hours I don't want to be all active I want to chill watch a movie or play a game and lounge on my couch also because it's this causal stick waggling (thank you yahtzee) and if i want to workout I'll work out and I don't know a game to distrot reality and tell me working out is fun because it's not it's "working" out and it suppose to be "work" and rewarding not fun but alas i digress it's like Mario party is Really fun but now all games are mario party ahhhhh. Wow i just discovered i had Wii hostilities whew sorry Nintendo. Going back to the first Xbox I sold it because of all the damn FPS's and no variety there was kotor and toe jam and earl and afew others but not enough for me to keep it and collect dust. well I'll close for now and i may add some more later bye for now.