Also if you like the devil may cry series part 4 is only $30 and Army of Two is only $20.
ky_superman86's forum posts
I've been a big resident evil fan ever since the first one released back on the psone, heck resident evil 2 was actually the game that really made me a gamer but to be honest with you I'd have to go with Dead Space over Resident Evil 5. They're both really great games, but there's just something special about Dead Space that makes it better in my book.
Oh I forgot to mention I've seen Bioshock at many different places only running around $20 as well and if you're into shooters it's definitly a must have!
If you're into horror games Dead Space would be a nice choice. It's only $20 here at my local walmart.
Dead Space and Condmned 2 are both pretty good horror games and the best part is you could get them around $20 a piece.
Both of them are truely great games so if I was you I would try to make sure that I get them both eventualy but I'd probably go ahead and get infamous now if iI was you, it's a much longer game than arkham asylum so it should tide you over a little while longer and as someone said earlier you can get at least two play throughs out of it one being good and then again as evil.
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