This Christmas my sibling is getting a ps4, i already have one. I want to share my plus membership between the two different consoles and understand i can activate my account as the primary on his console so he can leach off it with his own account being a secondary on that console. If I buy gta v digitally on my account, can we play online together at the same time on the different consoles or wouldn't this work, I'm confused. Thanks for any advice on this issue guys.
kye-mc's forum posts
The download speed to my ps4 is constant 9mb download and 3mb upload, ping is 10ms and below yet I've joined 9 different games and game modes and lag. For example an input delay when shooting and glitchy exo movements sometimes, also freezing and appearing in a new place. Why is this happening, is anyone else experiencing it?
I'm ordering mine with smash bros on october 5th. I'm getting the basic model as you can use a flash drive to store games and other things on I believe. The basic model is really cheap if you look thoroughly on the internet, my next game after smash will be kart. I got a ps4 last Christmas and its ok but there is too many guns in every game that gets released, its just over saturated and bland to me lately. I want fun out of gaming not dramatical experiences all the time either, I love my ps4 but unique/fun games are rare nowadays in triple a releases. I hope the wii u is as fun as the gamecube was, it was refreshing switching between that and the ps2.
I think it is the best time to get a Wii U right now, 2015 is going to be its biggest year probably with zelda coming out. I'm excited!
I completed the last of us remastered about half an hour ago for the first time and can honestly say my view on triple A games has changed totally. It was outstanding in every way, and instead of being this pretty picture with hardly any fun (*cough* Bioshock, Dead Space etc.) it was the most fun I've had in months for any game. It really was a journey and I doubt Naughty Dog will ever top it. Amazing. I'm playing the DLC soon and I never do that.
Jak and Daxter the precursor legacy, my playstation journey started their properly.
Vita is the most underrated - and undermarketed - gaming machine in history for me, it is amazing and has a diverse library of games to play on the go which all look almost like the PS3. Too bad it's hardly marketed by Sony and all they ever do is pretend its never there at gaming events. The only thing vita doesn't have is a massive system seller to get the sales churning to a wider audience. For the PSP it was Monster Hunter, 3DS has many, Vita has AAA PS3 spinoffs and Tearaway which no one who doesn't look into gaming knows about. Its so sad, mobile gaming has also had a significant impact on it though as well, lets hope minecraft can help it... there is hope... I guess...
For the vita its always like 5pm on the day in PAL region. Should be midnight would be awesome.
Tonight I saw the vita advertised on TV in the UK for the first time ever. It was the new advert aimed at the child market with Tearaway, LittleBigPlanet and Minecraft. Are Sony actually trying now? Has anybody else seen it advertised as of late?
Thanks for the feedback people, and yes that is a helmet. I can't give you a purpose, it was a quick sketch and took 15 minutes. I am 16 so not very experienced. I will work on my anatomical skills - i looked at it today and thought what the hell is that back arm doing. I think I was replicating a goon guard from ffx-2 while also combining borderlands / enslaved a bit. Thanks a lot!
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